Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Birthdays, Fire fighting, and storms

So, Sunday was my 20th birthday, which was spent shopping for food for this campaign! It definitely was a different way to spend it, but that's ok, cause we all went to ice cream Saturday night and I totally ate too much ice cream!! It was amazing though!! Well, sunday was a really long day, but it definitely got exciting when we got home. Turns out, Manuel had started a fire on our property and it had gotten really close to our house. So to come home and see smoke and tree logs still smoldering about 20ft from the house was less than comforting. It also seemed like the whole community around Km 38 had wanted have fires as well, so there was quite a glow on the horizon as we drove home that night. Thankfully, God provided a tremedous downpour about 30 minutes after we got home to put out any possible fires, which I was very happy for!!

The storms down here are quite amazing. Sunday night's storm was soo incrediably loud that I couldn't even sleep. The rain was pounding on the tin roof so loud, I couldn't even hear myself talk! Yesterday, we had a crazy wind storm. We were eating lunch and suddenly the wind picked up and started blowing so incrediably hard. The tin was rattling really loud, so much so I was afraid it was going to rip off, which wouldn't have been too fun. Cheva, our beloved, but dumb rotweiler dog, was barking at the roof as it rattled and tried jumping up to it. It was soo funny! Cheva is afraid of thunder and now I guess tin roofs!

1 comment:

Ashley S. said...

HI Laura,

I am so proud of you for your mission service. That's really exciting. Happy birthday!!! Let each year be better and better.